Oak Bluffs, MA old classifieds archive and funnies   >   By Year   >   2001   >   Fine nichrome wire **your choice 28 - 46GA** lot / 30'

Fine nichrome wire **your choice 28 - 46GA** lot / 30'

New expanded list of wire choices.....
* 28ga bare Nichrome 80- 4.128 ohms per ft.
* 28ga enamel insulated Cupron- 1.852 ohms per ft.
* 29ga bare Nichrome 80- 5.090 ohms per ft.
* 30ga heavy Thermaleze / cotton cover insulated Cupron- 2.94 ohms per ft.
* 30ga bare Nichrome 80- 6.53 ohms per ft.
* 31ga bare Nichrome 80- 8.21 ohms per ft.
* 31ga enamel insulated Manganin- 3.62 ohms per ft.
* 32ga bare Magnanin- 4.56 ohms per ft.
* 33ga bare Evanohm- 15.87 ohms per ft.
* 34ga enamel insulated Cupron- 7.74 ohms per ft.
* 34ga bare Nichrome 80- 16.40 ohms per ft.
* 35ga nylon insulated Alloy 270- 1.43 ohms per ft.
* 35ga enamel / glass insulated Cupron- 9.79 ohms per ft.
* 36ga bare Cupron- 12.22 ohms per ft.
* 36ga bare Nichrome 60- 26.00 ohms per ft.
* 37ga enamel insulated Constantan- 14.77 ohms per ft.
37ga bare Nichrome 60- 33.50 ohms per ft.
* 38ga bare Nichrome 60- 42.19 ohms per ft.
* 39ga enamel insulated Balco- 9.95 ohms per ft.
* 40ga heavy poly insulated Evanohm- 86.00 ohms per ft.
* 41ga enamel insulated Nichrome 60- 88.59 ohms per ft.
* 42ga bare Nichrome 60- 104.7 ohms per ft.
* 45ga enamel insulated Balco- 39.12 ohms per ft.
* 45ga bare Nichrome 60- 213.0 ohms per ft.
* 46ga enamel insulated Evanohm- 375.4 ohms per ft.

Fine nichrome wire **your choice 28 - 46GA** lot / 30'